What a great verse! Jesus demonstrated his love for us by laying down his life for us when he died on the cross for sinners! Now that is True love!
It is hard to get a few minutes on the computer with these 2 girls! They like to have mom and dad's attention 24/7!
Clay is done with basketball. His team played on Monday against Fullerton. NE Christian lost to them last time by 17 and Monday they lost by 1. My friend Tonya and her girls came and watched the girls so I was able to go to the game. They have done this a lot and I am so grateful for them. I am proud of the team in how hard they play and their desire to glorify God on the court. Although it was sad to end the season there are 3 girls at home thankful for the extra hours each day that we get to have dad! Clay has been busy these last couple of weeks as he is preparing to give the message at our church on March 6th.
It was great having the nice days the past couple of weeks. We were able to take the girls out for a couple of walks which was great. The girls liked the fresh air and took good naps as we walked. The girls continue to grow and are both out of the preemie outfits. They are able to wear matching outfits finally! Although, McKinley's seems to be a bit tighter than Adelain's! We went to GI for a doctors appointment on Monday. The girls did great as they got their 2 month shots. I was excited to talk to the doctor and asked if it would be ok to take the girls out for now on. He said that they would probably be ready when we see him for our next appointment.... April 19th! I about started crying thinking about 2 more months cooped up. I need to remember that it is worth it to keep the girls healthy. The girls are each 20 3/4 inches with McKinley 8lbs. 10oz. and Adelain 7lbs. 13oz. The doctor thinks the scale is off but we will take the heavy weights! The girls and I met grandma Jones in GI on Tuesday for McKinley's first physical therapy appointment. They want to work with her right hand and make sure it gets stretched out. We will be seeing a specialist on March 7th in Omaha.
Clay and I find ourselves laughing all the time at the girls and enjoy them more and more each day. We have started swaddling the girls at night which has helped them sleep. A couple of times they have gone 5 hours!
Seems like the girls have been part of our family for longer than 2 months! We can't imagine our lives without them.