No confusing our girls!! McKinley is our girl with the chubby checks!
Psalm 39: 4,5
"O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am! Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing before you. Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath!"
I need to read this scripture every day! To be reminded that our days are numbered and that life is so fast. To live a life pleasing to God and to live while we are alive! I don't want to miss a moment. Clay has been dancing with the girls as he sings or listens to the song- "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman. It is really good and to think that it was written right before one of Stevens little daughters died in an accident. Good reminders to not waste our lives and to treasure the good things that God has given us and to use them for His glory! Thanks be to God!
McKinley and Adelain are getting so big! They have doubled their weights! Last time we went to the doctors was 4 weeks ago and McKinley was 9-11 and Adelain was 8-10. Adelain- our little peanut weighs more than what they weighed combined when born! It is hard to imagine since she is still so little, especially compared to McKinley- what a tub! They change each day and are so fun to watch. They are enjoying playing on their play mat, especially McKinley. They kick their feet, move arms all about, and turn their heads back and forth. They have started to really focus on us which is great except when one is getting fed and the other looks at her sister and mom and starts crying- the jealousy has already begun!
About 2-3 weeks ago they started sleeping through the night! They are currently sleeping 9-10 hours- what a blessing. They enjoy eating, being held, their car seats- after they have been buckled in, walks outside, dancing, bouncy seats, smiling, grandparents and friends, their binky's, and their play mat.
The countdown is 10 days till we see the doctor and hopefully get released to take them out. We are looking forward to going to church together as well as everything else. We have been able to take them to grandma Mankins which has been fun for all of us. We are looking forward to taking our first over night trip to Grandma and Papas house in Lexington tonight.
Clay and I continue to read books about bringing up our girls in a God centered way. We pray for our girls that they would grow up to love God with their whole heart and to trust in Jesus as their Savior.