Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcoming Mabel Elizabeth!

I need to keep this blog updated more often!  I saw that the last time I updated I was still pregnant.  Feels like so much has happened since then!

Mabel Elizabeth was born September 26th.  She weighed 7''2 and was 19 inches long.  I couldn't believe it when the doctors showed her to me.  She was HUGE... well compared to the twins she was huge!  We were so thankful to have a healthy-beautiful baby.  Mabel has been a great baby.  It took about a month before we tried to get serious about putting her on a semi-flexible schedule.  Since about week 5, she has slept an average of around 7 hours and has gone over 9 hours a few times.  A lack of sleep just seems to do something to us and therefore we are extremely thankful for that!  Mabel smiles a lot and is pretty content, except when her big sister McKinley is around.  Mabel seems to be a little scared... I dont' blame her!  The girls love Mabel, especially McKinley.  Adelain has a healthy fear of her but not McKinley.  She is getting better however.  
The addition of one new family member has been pretty stressful.  Although the twins like their sister, they also are at an age where there seems to be a lot more discipline opportunities.. ha!  It has been a challenge for us but we are trying to be more consistent in training them up!  

We went to Aurora for Thanksgiving.  That was a lot of fun.  It was Clay's mom Kathy and his sister Sara's family.  We had a feast, played some cards, and relaxed.  Since there were so many babysitters around, I even went Black Friday shopping.  Mabel didn't sleep great at grandmas so she ate at 3:45 am and I left after that.  I left Aurora around 4:30 am and was back at 10 am with all of our Christmas shopping done.  I am a bargain shopper and loved the thrill of saving money and buying gifts for other people! We were able to stay in Aurora about 3 days which was great since we will be with my family in Lexington for Christmas. 

All 3 girls are down for a nap right now so I don't have a lot of time but I wanted to put up some pictures!  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

14 days left!

It has been a long time since I updated this!  We will be updating more frequently now that we have Internet at the house!
There is only 14 days till our new baby girl is due!  We have been very busy preparing for her.  We had to buy a van so we could fit 3 car seats in it and another crib.  Those were the most essential things and were still finding things that we need to get!  We have been cleaning, organizing, downsizing, and giving away a lot of things as we don't have a lot of room in our house.  We are physically ready to bring her home, but not sure about "really ready!" 

Clay started back to school and is thankful that he decided not to coach this year.  He prayed a lot about it and is really enjoying more time at home... and so are we!  Clay is a big help around the house as I am having a harder time doing things.

The girls are doing really well.  Growing like weeds and getting more fun all the time.  They enjoy going to the library and playing with toys, playing legos, putting together puzzles, reading books, eating string cheese and any time of ice cream treat, dancing, dogs and cats, hats, being outside, being with family and friends,  and really enjoy getting up from naps and laughing/talking for up to 30 minutes a day!  McKinley started calling Adelain "Aya" awhile ago because she couldn't say her name.  Adelalin was a bit confused and started calling McKinley "Aya"  as well.  So now we have 2 Aya's in the house!  It is going to be hard being away from them while were in the hospital!  

-We had a great time at our Jones family reunion in CO.  The entire family was there- our family of 4, my parents and brother, sister Megan and husband and 2 kids, sister Michala and husband and 3 kids, grandma, uncle Scott, aunt Starla, cousin Shawna, cousin Kelly and husband and 2 kids, aunt Sheila and uncle Kent, and cousins- Sydney and Cecily.  There was 9 kids 3 and under with 6 being twins!  We always love our time together but seemed too short!

Immediate family at reunion

 3 sets of twins!  (cousin Kelly and Marco with infant twins and in front sister Cala, Jared and twins)

Grandma with all her great-grand kids


My mom had a big birthday this summer (won't tell you which one!).  We decided to have a birthday party with some of her friends which was a lot of fun.  My dad really wanted us all to come because Elwood was having its fair which he loves to take his grand kids to.  It was a lot of fun being in Lexington with everyone!

Here's the girls at the fair- Adelain is the one that is having a lot of fun- ha!

The four of us in front of my parents house

 Hilarious!  They really all do love their grandparents! (5 of 7 crying!!!)


Last weekend we were able to go to the first Husker football game of the year.  We went with my dad and mom while Clays mom watched the girls.  It was kind of a last outing before the baby comes.  I had been watching the forecast for the week and the day before the game I told Clay that he should find someone to take because I thought it would be too hot to go to.  I am SO glad I did!  Clay asked Rylan our nephew and they both had a great time in the really hot stadium!  I was very content as well sitting in the air conditioned student union. 

 Clay and Rylan in front of the stadium

 Here's the girls this summer.  

McKinley REALLY loves her hats!

Here's Adelain enjoying her corn on the cob!


 The girls and I outside the house a week ago

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 months worth!

We do not have Internet at our house right now so it has been difficult trying to find time to update our blog!

We found out that God has blessed us with another little one on the way! We were really excited, surprised, and Very thankful. I went to the doctor 3 weeks in a row to confirm that yes we were pregnant (they were off on how far I was a long). We waited till I was 12 weeks a long to share the news with friends, although we told our immediate family earlier. The baby is due September 25th- it may be a long and hot summer!

Clay continued to be really busy with school and basketball. I tried to go to his 9th period weight training class and/or part of his basketball practices as much as possible so Clay could see the girls as much as possible. We also managed to make most of his games. The girls were sad to see the season.... and the popcorn go! Clays team had a good season and won their first round of districts.
With a lot of praying, Clay decided to not coach basketball next year. We will enjoy supporting the NC eagles from the sidelines next year!

Schools out for the summer! Yea! The last week or so before school got out, Clay was really busy getting caught up on grading, making finals, grading finals and making sure he had everything in order. He had to be extra prepared this year because 5:30 am the day after school got out we all packed into the Toyota and headed to Minnesota for a vacation. The drive took us about 12 + hours. The girls did pretty well but they did have their moments! We had a relaxing time at our place (except the lack of restaurants, attractions, or anything for 60+ miles!). Half way through the week we went to Minneapolis where we stayed with my aunt Lana and family for 2 days, met up with my parents, and traveled to Wisconsin to visit with my aunt Barbara, who Clay had never met. This part of the vacation was so fun!
Our main reason for going to Minnesota was to go to a hand specialist appointment for McKinley. She was born with her right hand smaller than her left hand. My dad and mom came to the appointment as well. My dad knew all the questions to ask and my mom took care of Adelain. They took some x-rays and we found out that her arms are the same lengths, her hand bones are just a Tiny bit shorter in her right hand and she is missing her middle bone in her fingers in her right hand (her thumb is normal). They gave it a name but its too long! The doctor also said that they would not cut the little webbing until she is 5+ because at 18 months they decide on if they are right/left handed and the surgery will keep her hand in a cast for 1 month. We think that she is right handed and we don't want the cast to affect anything. The fingers are not brittle and there is nothing that she will be prevented from doing. The doctor said that her fingers were made like this when she was smaller than an inch big. Reminds me of Psalm 139 when it says that God has intricately woven us together in the womb before we were born.

Update on girls:
We are two blessed parents. We enjoy Adelain and McKinley so much. They are growing like crazy! They are into everything and some of their favorite things are: getting things out of drawers, cheetos, chasing after each other (more McKinley liking to chase and tackle Adelain), being outside, any animal, being held by mom and dad, milk, suckers, and praise baby- video.

Here are some pictures to update you with!

Back in February:

They love Cooper dog!


May- mothers day

Hanging with the cousins (3 youngest were born the same day!)

Vacation- Clay and Adelain posing at Lego land!

Grandma and McKinley at my cousin Maddies softball game in MN

Bear right outside of my aunt Barbara's house!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thanksgiving, Birthday, and Christmas... a little late!

I really need to update more! It is hard to remember everything! I will update from the most recent and then work our way back the last couple of months.

Clay has been really busy with basketball and usually has games on 3 days of the week. He coaches the junior high team which plays on Mondays and the JV and Varsity are usually Tuesday and Thursdays. I have really enjoyed watching the girls games and the boys team but the nights can be very challenging with the girls. They want to be walking/crawling and have a hard time sitting in the stands from 6-9 pm. The one thing that works every time to get the girls to sit and stay still is popcorn- introduced by Grandma Mankin. I am thankful for the many young kids and adults that have compassion on me and help out! Clay sits with us during the first half of the girls and then leaves to get his team ready.

The girls are all over the place. McKinley is now walking!! Adelain is still behind her sister in things and is now standing and cruising furniture. Right now she is the bigger risk taker and is getting pretty cocky in her standing with clapping and dancing before she falls down.

We spent our Christmas in both Lexington and Aurora. Clay had practice in the morning of the 22nd and then we headed to Lexington. We enjoyed time with my mom, dad, Zach and my Grandma Jones. The girls were given a large play house from their grandparents which they love!
On the morning of the 24th we headed to Aurora where we stayed till the 27th. We enjoyed time with Grandma Mankin and Clay's sister's family- aunt Sara, uncle Micah, and cousins Rylan and Madysn. The weather was great which was perfect since the girls were given a wagon from grandma Mankin. They love the wagon and prefer it over the stroller. The girls loved Cooper dog and would climb over him and follow him all over. The girls also enjoyed the stairs which they would climb up all day if we let them.

We returned home to Central City on the night of the 27th and picked up Jack, one of the International students from NE Christian who stayed with us the rest of the break. We had a lot of fun having him with us. The break was great and refreshing and a bit hard for Clay and I went he went back to work! We are thankful for all the fun we had and generous gifts we received.... but most importantly we are thankful for the real meaning of Christmas. That God sent his Son to become a man and to die for the sins of his people.

December 20th was Adelain and McKinleys first birthday. Amelia, their cousin was born the same day and celebrated her birthday on Saturday so we had our party on Sunday. It was a fun time with a lot of people. We had people in and out from 1 pm- 6 pm. My mom, Clay's mom and I baked cookies, cupcakes, and other Christmas treats.

It was my side of the family's turn for Thanksgiving which meant a very full house! There was 7 kids 3 and under, 6 pack n plays, and 17 people. I left a day before Clay so I could spend more time with my sister Michala and her family who came early and live in Texas. We spent as much time outside as the weather was so nice. It was nice to catch up with everyone and to relax.... as much as you can with 7 kidos. We have so much to be thankful for!