I really need to update more! It is hard to remember everything! I will update from the most recent and then work our way back the last couple of months.
Clay has been really busy with basketball and usually has games on 3 days of the week. He coaches the junior high team which plays on Mondays and the JV and Varsity are usually Tuesday and Thursdays. I have really enjoyed watching the girls games and the boys team but the nights can be very challenging with the girls. They want to be walking/crawling and have a hard time sitting in the stands from 6-9 pm. The one thing that works every time to get the girls to sit and stay still is popcorn- introduced by Grandma Mankin. I am thankful for the many young kids and adults that have compassion on me and help out! Clay sits with us during the first half of the girls and then leaves to get his team ready.
The girls are all over the place. McKinley is now walking!! Adelain is still behind her sister in things and is now standing and cruising furniture. Right now she is the bigger risk taker and is getting pretty cocky in her standing with clapping and dancing before she falls down.
We spent our Christmas in both Lexington and Aurora. Clay had practice in the morning of the 22nd and then we headed to Lexington. We enjoyed time with my mom, dad, Zach and my Grandma Jones. The girls were given a large play house from their grandparents which they love!
We returned home to Central City on the night of the 27th and picked up Jack, one of the International students from NE Christian who stayed with us the rest of the break. We had a lot of fun having him with us. The break was great and refreshing and a bit hard for Clay and I went he went back to work! We are thankful for all the fun we had and generous gifts we received.... but most importantly we are thankful for the real meaning of Christmas. That God sent his Son to become a man and to die for the sins of his people.
December 20th was Adelain and McKinleys first birthday. Amelia, their cousin was born the same day and celebrated her birthday on Saturday so we had our party on Sunday. It was a fun time with a lot of people. We had people in and out from 1 pm- 6 pm. My mom, Clay's mom and I baked cookies, cupcakes, and other Christmas treats.
It was my side of the family's turn for Thanksgiving which meant a very full house! There was 7 kids 3 and under, 6 pack n plays, and 17 people. I left a day before Clay so I could spend more time with my sister Michala and her family who came early and live in Texas. We spent as much time outside as the weather was so nice. It was nice to catch up with everyone and to relax.... as much as you can with 7 kidos. We have so much to be thankful for!