November 5th I had a doctor appointment with a specialist from Creighton. The girls were measuring well at 2.6 lbs and 2.9 lbs and there hearts and everything looked good. The doctor did have some concerns though and I am taking shots every week to help prevent pre-term labor. The doctor didn't put me on bed rest but told me to really slow down and keep my feet up and rest. I was really nervous as I left and still am! I have been taking it easy- working more from home and resting more.
November 7th Clay and I went to Lexington for a baby shower that my mom and sister Megan held. We were really surprised to walk in and see not only Megans little girl Izzy but also my other sister Michala's little girl, Julia! I couldn't figure everything out for a while but was so surprised that Michala had come from Tulsa with her twins. What a great surprise to have both my sisters and their kids home! It was so much fun having them there and my mom was very excited to get all 3 of the pregnant sisters together in some pictures! I ended up going back to Lexington on Tuesday evening thru Wednesday evening to spend some extra time with Michala and my family including my grandparents in Lex. It was a blessing!
Clay is busy as basketball has officially started. He has 25 guys out and is excited about the new season. We have been trying to figure out the best way of communicating when/IF something happens and I need to get a hold of him ASAP. Clay has also been very busy putting our 2nd crib together, shelving, blinds, and an ice maker in our freezer. He has been such a great husband and doesn't make me feel bad for just "sitting there!"
Last week I called my mom as I sat in the nursery and told her that I was really overwhelmed and needed her help! She was able to come yesterday and we are so thankful she did! What a difference.... we can now walk in the room and it actually looks like a nursery! We have been given so much clothes and items and we are thankful for the generosity of people.
Clay is speaking at the UNK FCA tomorrow which will also be my last time at FCA at UNK. It is really hard to believe that I will be done working in a week! I will really miss seeing the athletes, coaches, and students each week.
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and we are praying for good news! We appreciate the many people and their prayers and would ask for you to continue them!
Megan, Me, Michala
Megan, Zach, Me and Michala
My friends from Kearney
Yay...I just LOVE your updates! :) It was VERY fun to see the picture of you and your sisters...that is so crazy that you are all pregnant at the same time! Very cool! I will be praying for your appointment tomorrow!!! Love you!