It is hard to believe that 6 months have already gone by. The girls are getting so big and doing new things every day. It is exciting for us to watch them grow and learn new things. The girls are very different and some of our friends say that not only do they not look like twins but they don't even look like sisters! Their personalities are as different as their looks!
McKinley started out as our easy-going, chill girl but has changed into our more demanding girl. She continues to love being held and has discovered her toes, which we often find her sucking on! McKinley has been rolling from her back to her tummy for awhile. She flips over very fast but cannot get back onto her back. McKinley has also started to eat vegetables. She gets more on her than in her but she is getting better.
Adelain started out very demanding and cried a lot. She has turned into our very smiley sweet girl who loves to giggle when her dad plays with her. Adelain is more independent and is often satisfied to play by herself on the play mat. She is not near as flexible as McKinley and although she was the first to roll over, about a month ago, hasn't since. Adelain is much smaller and not interested in food like McKinley is.
Clay and I decided to take a family vacation to Colorado. We were excited when Clay's mom, Kathy, agreed to come with us. We spent a week in Avon Colorado where we went to Vail, Breckenridge, Edwards, Leadville, and Beaver Creek. We spent a lot of time in the car but the girls did great, although they still cry when they see a car seat! The girls got to experience a lot of new things such as swimming. I was super excited to get them into the water and when we did they didn't really respond. I take no crying as they loved it even though they were pretty indifferent. Some of our favorite things that we did were: riding up and down a ski lift, walking around the lake at our hotel, fishing, eating ice cream and pizza, and playing cards.
When we were in Vail some people stopped to look at the girls and one lady said, "twins! Wow... O-come look at the chubby one!" McKinley gets that a lot! We had a great time and although there were more obstacles with little ones, we would recommend it to all new parents! Here are a few pictures from our trip:
On the way back from Colorado we spent a few days with my family and with some friends at my 10 year class reunion. There were about 30 classmates I was able to see.
Clay has been busy this summer. He is painting his sisters house in Aurora when he can, coaching basketball and football camps, has open gym 1-2 times/week, and is looking to take classes to get his CDL.
The girls had their 6 month check a few days ago. McKinley is 10th percentile on weight and length: 13'6 and 24.5 inches long. Adelian is 5th percentile (barley on chart) for weight and 50th percentile on length: 12'12 and 25.5 inches long. Most people think there is at least 2 LLB weight difference between the girls but Adelain is quite a bit longer.
We are excited to go to Lexington for the Jones family reunion every year during the 4th of July. The entire family will be back which means my dad, his brother and sister, their 4 kids and one son in law and a boyfriend, and my 2 sisters and brother and their 5 kids. It will be a little crazy with 7 grand kids 2 1/2 years and younger but we love it!
We enjoy looking back over the 6 months. We remember when we didn't think we would be able to have kids and we praise God for the incredible miracles that he has given us. Praise the Lord!