Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tribute to Grandpa Jones

The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away, blessed be the name of the LORD.
Job 1:21b

We thank God for the 85 years that Grandpa Jones had on this earth. Grandpa Jones was born February 24, 1926 and passed away on Friday, April 15, 2011. He is going to be missed by so many people. Grandpas family has so many good memories of him. My grandpa loved to dance with my grandma, loved to play bridge, go to grand kids activities, and to golf.
My grandpa was famous for saying "love you to pieces" which we would love to continue to say! I remember him calling us grand kids "little runtz." Another thing I remember him saying a lot when he would see people is "well Hello there." Grandpa was also famous with the grand kids by being a crazy boat driver. One time he was driving the boat as 2 of us were tubing and he drove the tube over a buoy. It was always important for the people in the boat to let grandpa know if he was about to drive into a deck! He was always trying to dump the tubers in record time!
Grandpa along with his "lovely bride" as he would call grandma were at many of his grand kids activities. I remember him at all of my games that he was in town and how he would take my hand- or pull my pony tail and tell me that I did a good job. He was always encouraging us and never focused too much on how good or bad we did.
The funeral was very hard. Almost the entire family was there and many people talked about grandpa during the funeral. What was focused on and what I will remember most about my Grandpa Jones is his legacy of love to my grandma that he left behind. My grandpa loved my grandma with all of his heart. They were two peas in a pod and I can't remember an activity or event that they weren't there together. My grandpa would often hold my grandmas hand as an act of love. Grandpa will be forever missed and I look forward to telling our kids about their great-grandpa and the wonderful man that he was.

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