Jones Family Reunion 2010
We have been looking forward to the annual Jones reunion at Johnson lake for a long time. We really enjoy spending time with family and treasure the times when we all get together. There was a full house at my parents so Clay and I and the girls slept our nights at my grandmas house along with my aunt and uncle Sheila and Kent. Their girls Sydney and Cecily stayed at my new grandmas place with my grandma and my uncle, aunt, 2 cousins, a husband and a boyfriend (Scott, Starla, Kelly, Marco, Shawna, and Jon) stayed at the cabin at the lake.
We enjoyed: swimming at the pool, ultimate frisbee in the lake, annual soccer game, meals together, fireworks, but most of all we enjoyed getting caught up on what everyone is doing and how the last year went. It was fun to catch up with my cousin Kelly and her husband Marco from Texas. They are going to be naturals when the time comes for them to have children!
Shawna, Kellys sister will be leaving for El Salvador where she will be serving in the Peace Corps. Please keep her in your prayers as she will be gone for 2 years. Sydney, my aunts oldest daughter graduated 1st in her class and will be attending Oklahoma State next year. We have been giving her a hard time about being a Sooner but we are glad she will be close. Cecily, Syd's sister will be a junior next year and will be missing Syd but convinced her family to get another foreign exchange students next year.
My aunt Starla was really excited to do a new "Jones event" and enter our boat in the 4th of July boat parade. She is the one standing up waving the flag!
It was fun to see my sisters and their kids and see, watch, and tell kid stories. We have great parents for examples around us! It is always fun to see the 4 babies together and see how they have grown.
Amelia- Megan & Conrads (December 20) Isaac- Michala & Jareds (March 18) Adelain, McKinley- ours (December 20)
This years 4th of July celebration we missed our grandpa Jones who passed away in April. We think of him often and what great memories we have and what a great legacy he left us. We miss and love him so much. Grandma Jones is doing well and is always a big help when we all get together.
We would ask you to please pray for our friends Jennifer and Josh Jones. They are in the midst of a complicated adoption. Please pray for peace for them in this uncertain time.
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